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The Story Behind the Startup

A Nudge: From Corporate World to Entrepeneur

There is nothing like a nudge from the God Almighty, helping to steer us in the right direction. That is exactly how this little business of mine came about. 


Before recognizing I wanted to become an entrepreneur, I worked in a large corporation and was prompted by a constant feeling of urgency to go back to school to obtain my MBA, which I was excited to get started. Within this experience, this came to mind...if one cannot help change a company's culture, why not create your own!

God had opened up new energy and drive inside of me to begin something that is not only positive (like gifting), but that provides inspiration through scripture and inspirational quotes. 

Through the journey of starting the company, so many doors opened, allowing the structure and ideas to fall into place. God provided direction and assistance through ideas, finances, and even school courses. 

Yes, this is a brand new company, started in 2018, but one that has God's hand on it to provide what people are looking for and maybe something they needed and didn't know they were looking for. 


Thank you to those who have helped in this journey, and I look forward to seeing what God has in store!

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